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Matrix Business Policy

Matrix Creations Inc.


Meet and Exceed the Customer Requirements


  • 100% Legal Compliance with all applicable laws
  • 100% KP & WDC SoW compliance for Conflict free Diamonds
  • Develop a Responsible Supply Chain to prevent Human Rights abuse
  • Zero Accidents / Incidents / Health Issues
  • Promote the RJC CoP with business partners
  • Reduce Pollution where possible


  • Comply with all applicable Legal Requirements
  • Prevent Bribery at all levels through transparency
  • Support AML–CFT Laws and Prevent Money Laundering
  • Correct & Full disclosure of Gold, Diamonds and colored gem stones
  • Respect Human Rights of Employees and throughout the supply chain
  • Report the Human Rights Performance publicly
  • Prevent Child Labour or Forced Labour
  • No discrimination on any grounds amongst employees
  • Provide Healthy & Safe work place
  • Coercion Free Work Environment for employees
  • Protect the environment through Reuse, Reduce, Recycle